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5:26 RUSD Community Update 3-27-20
Rowland Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Julie Mitchell shares with the community an update on how the coronavirus (COVID-19) discusses the extended school dismissal, student learning from home, free meals to go for children 18 and under and hotline services for the public. For the latest updates please visit
Uploaded Mar 29, 2020 -
1:58 New RUSD Performing Arts Center Opens! Featured
The Arts Are Alive in the Rowland Unified School District! Thanks to our community's support of the Measure R Bond, RUSD is excited to have opened its new state-of-the-art $8 million dollar facility on January 31, 2020. The 18,000 square foot center features a 615 seat theater, along with the latest lighting and sound equipment. It is designed to showcase a variety of visual and performing arts from schools across the District, along with district presentations and community events. For more information contact the RUSD Performing Arts Center Manager Mark Villalobos at [email protected].
Uploaded Mar 04, 2020 to Video Gallery Section -
2:20 Santana Student Story: Noah Wright Featured
Santana High School Graduate Noah Wright (Class of 2019) shares his experience about Santana High School and how the staff helped him achieve success. Santana High School was just named a 2020 California Model Continuation High School for their innovative approach to instruction that help and support students who have faced many challenges get back on the pathway to learning and achievement.
Uploaded Feb 26, 2020
For more information about Santana High School, please call (626)965-3496 or visit
(RUSD Video Series - 2/26/20). -
1:18 RUSD Dual Language Programs Offered in CHINESE and SPANISH Featured
Rowland Unified Dual Language Immersion Programs, offered for both Chinese and Spanish, provides students unlimited opportunities and prepares them to be Bilingual, Biliterate and Bicultural. They learn how to read, speak and write in two languages: English and Chinese OR English and Spanish. The programs start in Kindergarten. We are proud to offer our Mandarin Dual Immersion Program at Shelyn Elementary, and our Spanish Dual Immersion Programs are at two schools: Rorimer and Hurley.
Uploaded Dec 31, 2019 to Video Gallery Section
Priority registration for the 2021-22 school year is February 1 through February 26, 2021. For more information call our Special Projects Office at (626)854-8392.
Enroll at -
1:33 (Chinese) RUSD Dual Language Immersion Programs 羅蘭聯合學區 全面的創新學習 Featured
新的普通話雙語沉浸式課程 全日制幼稚園, 學生與老師的比例為22:1. 上 課期間用50%的時間學習中文, 以及50 %的時 間學習英語. 現在就報名 ! 致電或在線上瀏覽我們的網頁報名 . 欲知更多的資訊, 請聯繫特殊計劃部門, 電話: (626) 854-8392
Uploaded Dec 31, 2019 to Video Gallery Section -
El Distrito Escolar de Rowland se enorgullece de ofrecer programas intensivos de Doble Inmersión de Lenguaje en Chino y Español que comienzan en Kínder. Los niños aprenden a pensar, leer, escribir y comunicarse de manera natural en los dos lenguajes: Inglés y Chino o Inglés y Español. Esta es una oportunidad educativa emocionante, enriquecedora y desafiante para el aprendizaje del Siglo 21. Los estudiantes aprenden a colaborar, comunicar y pensar críticamente y creativamente en todas las áreas de contenido académico en ambos lenguajes. NUEVO Programa de Doble Inmersión en Chino Mandarín Día escolar completo de Kínder con una tasa de 22 estudiantes por maestro. El 50% del tiempo de la clase tiene aprendizaje en chino, y el otro 50% del día en inglés. La clase consistiría en mitad de estudiantes que hablan inglés solamente y mitad de estudiantes que hablan chino mandarín nativo. ¡Inscríbase Ahora! Llame o visítenos en línea para inscripciones en: Para más información, comuníquese con la Oficina de Proyectos Especiales al (626)854-8392.
Uploaded Dec 31, 2019 -
12:01 2019 State of the Schools Video Featured
Rowland Unified School District Superintendent of Schools Dr. Julie Mitchell shares in this District video the innovative learning, rigorous academic programs and powerful relationships and partnerships built in RUSD for students to succeed and be college and career ready! This was first shown at the 2019 State of the Schools event on October 25, 2019.
Uploaded Nov 05, 2019 to Video Gallery Section -
1:38 Ybarra Bear News Covers the State of the Schools Event Featured
Ybarra Academy "Bear News" students interview guests at the 2019 State of the Schools event.
Uploaded Nov 05, 2019 to Video Gallery Section -
1:26 Jellick Jaguar TV State of the Schools Episode Featured
Students from Jellick Elementary cover in their student news "JJTV" the 2019 State of the Schools event.
Uploaded Nov 05, 2019 to Video Gallery Section -
1:50 Mitch Brunyer Video / RHS 2019 Hall of Fame Inductee Featured
Each year a selection of exceptional Rowland High School Alumni are inducted into the school's Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame also provides a unique scholarship and mentorship opportunity to current RHS students. Rowland High School Principal Mitch Brunyer was surprised by students and staff with the announcement that he was one of the 2019 Hall of Fame Inductees. This video was played at the homecoming school rally.
Uploaded Oct 17, 2019 to Video Gallery Section
(Video Courtesy of Dominic Leano, Rowland High School Student)