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4:22 RUSD Classified Employee of the Year Alfonso Iniguez
The Rowland Unified School District is proud that Alfonso Iniguez is our 2019-20 District Classified Employee of the Year. Alfonso has been a dedicated school bus driver in the RUSD Transportation Department since 2000. He goes above and beyond in his daily duties, always comes to work smiling, and provides excellent customer service to parents, teachers, and students. Alfonso was honored by the Board of Education on May 15, 2019. This video about him was shown at the RUSD Employee Recognition Dinner.
Uploaded May 22, 2019 to Video Gallery Section -
6:41 2019-20 RUSD Administrator of the Year Dr. George Herrera Featured
The Rowland Unified School District is proud that Dr. George Herrera is our 2019-20 District Administrator of the Year. George is an outstanding educator and leader as Principal of Villacorta Elementary. He is a life-long learner and champion for all children with his dedication to improving learning opportunities for all students and the school as a whole. George was honored by the Board of Education on May 15, 2019. This video about him was shown at the RUSD Employee Recognition Dinner.
Uploaded May 22, 2019 to Video Gallery Section -
5:08 2019-20 RUSD Teacher of the Year Dolores Gonzalez Featured
Rowland Unified School District is proud of our 2019-20 District Certificated Employee of the Year, Dolorez Gonzalez from Hurley Elementary. Dolores is an outstanding third-grade teacher who is a team player and a life-long learner. She has exceptional classroom management and has tremendous passion for Hurley and the families she serves. Dolores was recognized by the Board of Education on May 15, 2019. This is the video about her that was shown at the RUSD Employee Recognition Dinner.
Uploaded May 22, 2019 to Video Gallery Section -
9:51 2019-20 Classified & Certificated RUSD Employees of the Year Featured
Rowland Unified School District is proud of our 2019-20 Classified and Certificated Employees of the Year! Our employees were recognized by the Board of Education at the RUSD Employee Recognition Dinner on May 15, 2019. This is the slide presentation of all of our employees from across the District.
Uploaded May 22, 2019 -
4:11 Saturday Exploration Academy
Students across Rowland Unified are inspired to be inventors in the exciting and creative Saturday Exploration Academy. Each month students from selected feeder schools are engaged using their critical thinking skills and creativity while being challenged to create an invention. Students make new friends while they learn together! For the next Saturday Exploration date, please contact Student Services at (626)935-8281.
Uploaded Dec 06, 2018
*Video Created by Enrique J. Lopez, Computer Lab Technician at Rorimer Elementary -
12:40 2018 State of the Schools Featured
Superintendent of Schools Dr. Julie Mitchell shares the innovative learning, rigorous academic programs and powerful relationships and partnerships built in RUSD for our students to succeed and be college and career ready! This video was first shared at the 2018 State of the Schools Breakfast event on October 19, 2018.
Uploaded Oct 23, 2018 by Gina Ward to Video Gallery Section -
4:46 RUSD - Voicemail Setup Uploaded Jul 20, 2018 by Vern Oldham
7:31 RUSD Classroom Phone - Basic Tutorial Uploaded Jul 20, 2018 by Vern Oldham
7:44 RUSD Office Phone - Basic Tutorial Uploaded Jul 19, 2018 by Vern Oldham
4:29 Superintendent Dr. Mitchell Close of 2017-18 School Year Message
Superintendent Dr. Julie Mitchell thanks all RUSD employees for a great 2017-18 school year with a video featuring photo highlights from the year. Employees are also asked to mark their calendar for a combined 2018 Classified & Certificated Welcome Back set for August 7 to kick off the 2018-19 School Year!
Uploaded Jun 07, 2018