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Showing all videos (Page 13)
Storytime with Dr. Mitchell
Superintendent Dr. Mitchell (and her friend Molly!) reads a family favorite book, Stellaluna. RUSD Educators share their favorite books during the student missal for families to enjoy.
Uploaded Mar 31, 2020 -
2022 Administrator of the Year: Gregory Perez
Congratulations to the District Administrator of the Year for the 2022-23 school year, Gregory Perez, Principal of Santana High School!
Uploaded May 24, 2022 to Video Gallery Section -
Rowland Innovations: COVID Safety Measures at RUSD
Episode 6 of the Rowland Innovations Series: Deputy Superintendent Alex Flores shares with the community the many safety measures the Rowland Unified School District has implemented for the safety of students, staff and our community during the pandemic.
Uploaded Dec 09, 2021 to Video Gallery Section
12/9/21 -
Storytime with Principal Dr. Alvarez (SPANISH)
RUSD Educators read stories for families to enjoy during student dismissal! Dr. Yesenia Alvarez, Principal of Hurley Elementary, reads the book la llama llama rojo pijama.
Uploaded Mar 31, 2020 -
El Distrito Escolar de Rowland se enorgullece de ofrecer programas intensivos de Doble Inmersión de Lenguaje en Chino y Español que comienzan en Kínder. Los niños aprenden a pensar, leer, escribir y comunicarse de manera natural en los dos lenguajes: Inglés y Chino o Inglés y Español. Esta es una oportunidad educativa emocionante, enriquecedora y desafiante para el aprendizaje del Siglo 21. Los estudiantes aprenden a colaborar, comunicar y pensar críticamente y creativamente en todas las áreas de contenido académico en ambos lenguajes. NUEVO Programa de Doble Inmersión en Chino Mandarín Día escolar completo de Kínder con una tasa de 22 estudiantes por maestro. El 50% del tiempo de la clase tiene aprendizaje en chino, y el otro 50% del día en inglés. La clase consistiría en mitad de estudiantes que hablan inglés solamente y mitad de estudiantes que hablan chino mandarín nativo. ¡Inscríbase Ahora! Llame o visítenos en línea para inscripciones en: Para más información, comuníquese con la Oficina de Proyectos Especiales al (626)854-8392.
Uploaded Dec 31, 2019 -
Rowland Unified Featured on Fox Noon News April 7, 2021
Rowland Unified School District was featured on local KTTV-TV Fox Noon News on April 7, 2021 for its innovative Kindergarten Care & Connect program and the District's creative approach with teaching and engaging our youngest learners during Virtual Learning this school year. Reporter Bob Decastro reports.
Uploaded Apr 15, 2021 to Video Gallery Section -
RUSD Classified Employee of the Year: Nina Griffin
Rowland Unified School District is proud to recognize Nina Lenitha Griffin, School Bus Driver, as our 2023 District Classified Employee of the Year. Students are always excited to see Ms. Nina each morning and after school, as she safely transports them to and from school. Students adore her and she is known for her warm smile and laughter and the absolute care and safety she provides to students in RUSD.
Uploaded May 24, 2023 to Video Gallery Section -
Duo 2fa (2 factor Authentication) in Aeries SIS
Instructional video that shows how to set up Duo for the first time in Aeries.
Uploaded Nov 14, 2022 by Vern Oldham to Video Gallery Section -
Shelyn Teacher Shaves Head As Promised With Student Goal Reached
Shelyn Sharks broke all records to raise money for this year's Pennies for Patients Fundraiser for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. They raised $6,890 -- and teacher Mrs. Ruud agreed to share her head if they passed $5,000!
Uploaded Apr 16, 2015 to Video Gallery Section -
Summer Learning Fun: Kinder Community
The Kinders Community program this summer prepares our youngest learners for Kindergarten with engaging hands-on activities and special presentations. The program is at Rorimer, Shelyn, Ybarra, and Villacorta.
Uploaded Jul 01, 2024
Students have a special guest discuss what it is like to be an Aerospace Engineer! One of the activities building their own airplane as students learned about the forces of flight!