Enrollment for 2019/20 School Year in Rowland Unified
Begins Monday, Feb. 4
ROWLAND HEIGHTS, CA – FEBRUARY 1, 2019 – Priority Enrollment for the 2019/20 school year in the Rowland Unified School District (RUSD) begins February 4! Parents of children entering Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten and new students through grade 12 can enroll online February 4 through March 4, 2019 at www.rowlandschools.org/enroll. RUSD School Tour Day is Tuesday, February 5 where all Elementary, K-8, Intermediate, and High Schools in the District will provide tours at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., allowing visits to more than one location. For Rowland enrollment information, please visit any school, call Student Services at (626) 935-8281 or visit www.RowlandSchools.org. If you need to locate your home school, visit www.RowlandSchools.org/MySchoolLocator.
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) classes are available at all elementary schools throughout the District and provide high-quality Kindergarten readiness at no cost to parents with classes taught by credentialed teachers. Rowland Unified has extended the age acceptance dates for TK compared to surrounding Districts: it is for children turning 5 years old between September 2, 2019 and March 31, 2020. For more questions about Transitional Kindergarten, parents can call the Elementary Education Division at (626)854-8371.
Rowland Unified offers intensive Dual Language Immersion Programs in Chinese and Spanish that begin in Kindergarten. Children learn to think, read, write and communicate naturally in two languages: English and Chinese or English and Spanish. The Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Program is offered at Shelyn Elementary (located at 19500 E. Nacora Street, Rowland Heights). There are two campuses that offer the Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program: Rorimer Elementary (located at 18750 E. Rorimer Street, La Puente) and at Hurley Elementary (located at 535 S. Dora Guzman Ave., La Puente). For additional information about the Dual Language Immersion Programs offered, call the Special Projects Office at (626) 854-8392.
District Specialty Programs: RUSD is proud of our award-winning schools and enrichment programs. Below are just a few highlights. More information about all RUSD schools and programs can be found at www.RowlandSchools.org or by downloading the free Rowland Unified School District Mobile App, available on Apple or Android devices.
- All elementary schools, as well as selected intermediate schools in RUSD, offer before-and-after-school care starting at 6:30 a.m. with after school care until 6 p.m. by Options Surround Care, a licensed day-care provider. Additional after-school enrichment programs are throughout the District and vary at each school site.
- COLLEGE & CAREER FOCUSED: Rowland Unified School District has college-culture schools and educators are committed to teaching rigorous academic programs that prepare every student for success in college and the workforce. RUSD is proud that both Nogales and Rowland High Schools offer a wide array of Advanced Placement (AP) and Honor Classes, the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, AVID and the unique Career Pathway Certification Program, where students can study one of six career pathways: Arts & Communications, Business, Family & Consumer Sciences, Health & Medical Services, Public & Human Services, and Technology.Each year RUSD students are accepted and attend the nation’s most prestigious colleges and universities and earn more than $3 million in scholarships.
- MUSIC AND ENRICHMENT: Rowland has a strong commitment to the arts and every elementary student in grades 1 through 6 take part in music instruction during the school day each week with general music/choral instruction, strings or band. There is also a District Mariachi, District Honor Orchestra and new Cello Choir. Comprehensive award-winning sports programs are at each high school and enrichment programs such as Robotics, Engineering, Science Olympiad and after-school language classes are at several schools.
- LANGUAGES: Across the District students can learn a foreign language. Chinese and Spanish Dual Language Immersion Programs begin in Kindergarten, at Intermediate and High Schools Chinese, French, Korean, Pilipino and Spanish is offered.
The Rowland Unified School District is proud to serve approximately 14,000 students in the communities of Rowland Heights, Walnut, La Puente, City of Industry, and West Covina at our award-winning schools. More than 5,000 adults (18+) are also served by the Rowland Adult and Community Education School. For more information about Rowland Unified, the community can download the free Mobile App for iOS and Android phones/devices that has news, school calendars, a safety Tip Line, high school sports news for Nogales and Rowland High Schools, and helpful parent and District resources. Visit www.RowlandSchools.org or call (626) 965-2541.