Community Forum Held April 29 at
Due to State budget cuts, Rowland Unified faces a loss of $9 million in funding for the 2009-10 school year. This is in addition to the $5.8 million in reductions already made during the current fiscal year. To view the proposed Superintendent’s Budget Reduction Recommendations, they are posted on the District’s website at under Budget Update or at the Rowland Unified District Office, located at
On March 10, the Rowland Unified School District Board of Education voted to place Measure E, a local school parcel tax, on the ballot – to be conducted by mail ballot this coming June. If voters approve Measure E, it will establish a local, temporary and secure funding source for Rowland schools that could not be taken away by the state and used to support specific Rowland Unified educational programs. The cost to RUSD property owners would be $120 per parcel per year for only 5 years. All homeowners age 65 and over would be eligible for a senior citizen exemption.
If passed by two-thirds of RUSD voters, Measure E would provide stable local funding to: maintain college preparation classes and high school counselors; preserve student health/safety/security services; provide adequate instructional materials and classroom technology; keep school libraries open; protect small class sizes; maintain music and art programs; and retain qualified, experienced teachers.
For further budget information or questions regarding the Rowland Unified Budget or Measure E, the public can visit or call (626)854-8352 or email [email protected]
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