Jellick Elementary Goes GREEN!

Jellick Elementary Goes GREEN!


Jellick Elementary sixth grade students from Nancy Buck and Danielle Caro’s classes were honored this month as winners of the Southern California Edison / East West BankGo Green” Contest.


The two classrooms submitted collages representing what students believed were important ideas for helping the planet.


Only 15 collages were chosen out of 28 entires to receive the Grand prize.

Each student will receive a Living Wise kit filled with conservation items such as

a high-efficiency shower head, compact flourescent bulb, and faucet aerators, just to name a few. Each of the kits has a $40 retail value.


East West Bank awarded each student in the winning classes with a $25 savings account.


At the awards ceremony, students representatives shared their concept with the Edison and East West Bank executives. Rowland Superintendent Dr. Ott, Jellick Principal Helen Zimmerman, teacher Nancy Buck and Jellick parents were on hand to share in the excitement of the ceremony.


Pictured left to right are:

Frank Quevedo, SCEdison Vice President of Equal Opportnity, Rosie Haro parent, Dr. Ott, Helene Zimmerman principal,

Hal Conklin, SCEdison Director of Local Public Affairs, Erwin Furukawa, SCEdison Vice President of Customer Programs & Services

Jellick students Grecia Soto, Yasmin Thomas, Selena Serrano , Nancy Buck teacher, Maria Thomas parent, Jellick Students Candy Palencia and Hannah Hernandez


