Message from Superintendent Dr. Julie Mitchell
I am so immensely proud of our students. Many took a leadership role today to have their voices heard in a peaceful, respectful and poignant manner. All of our secondary schools had some level of student participation and response to the #ENOUGH national movement today. Students signed posters and/or cards, other wrote brief notes to legislators, others organized 17 minutes of silence, while some wrote and delivered speeches to their peers. When a student was not taking the experience seriously, peers quickly silenced the student and curbed the effort to "goof off."
Thank you to our non-school site staff who were on campuses and providing supervision and support for our students and schools.
As I mentioned in one of my tweets, this is the ultimate in a teachable moment. This is relevant learning for our students. I am so appreciative that our schools planned opportunities for our students to be a part of this effort and to learn through this experience.
Pictures from student activities at Rowland and Nogales High Schools.