At the Rowland Unified School District Board of Education on June 6, 2017, the proposed Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for 2017-2020 was presented to the Board, along with the Rowland Unified School District Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget Presentation. The 2017-20 LCAP and Budget was adopted by the Board on June 13, 2017.
Each presentation can be viewed by clicking the PDF's below.
Below is a brief summary of the 148 page LCAP document:
The Rowland Unified School District LCAP Goals reflect the District Goals and Focus Areas. The alignment of these Goals allows the District to work cohesively and coherently toward increased student achievement and success for all students.
Goal 1- Academic Achievement for All Students: Provide a comprehensive, well-rounded and rigorous educational experiences for all students, which is supported by engaging teaching strategies and sustained by high-quality professional development for staff, leading all schools and subgroups to meet or exceed growth targets.
• Implementation of Common Core Standards and professional development on effective use of formative and summative assessment to support student learning.
• Provide instructional coaches to increase student achievement
• Provide teacher collaboration and articulation across campuses to support student learning, including lesson study
• Provide additional support for Bilingual and Dual Immersion Elementary K-3 for EL students
• Align local assessments to CA State Standards instructional pacing in order to monitor student progress on achieving
• Establish a Multi-tiered Systems of Support Approach to meet the needs of underperforming students
• Provide Extended Learning Opportunities for all students. This will include intervention and extension programs for all students, English Language Learners, Foster Youth, Low Income Students, and Special Education Students
• Provide Support Services to assist students in attainment of grade-level Standards. This can include Counseling, ELD and other Services. This will target needs of all students, English Language Learners, Foster Youth and Low Income Students
Goal 2- College and Career Readiness/21st Century Skills: Increase the percentage of graduates who complete A-G and enroll in AP/IB, honors courses; Expand and enhance Career Technical Education and STEM courses and activities throughout the District.
• Implementation of the RUSD Future Ready technology plan addressing goals associated with curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional learning and use of space and time.
• Support students in CA State Standards, college and career readiness, especially Career Pathways
• Continue to implement system for students to establish academic goals and portfolio, college and career interest and searches related to college and career readiness for secondary students, using web based tool such as CCGI
• Expand AVID Program: provide professional development, materials and support
• Provide additional counseling services to support students at all schools; college and career, mental, social/emotional.
• Targeted subgroups will identify a post secondary college/career plan, be enrolled in appropriate college and/or career prep courses and monitored until graduation; Ensure counselor regular individual contact with high risk students to provide supports and interventions as needed
Goal 3- Provide Parent Education to support student learning and achievement
• Ongoing Common Core, Technology, Special Programs, Intervention,Parent training for parents at DELAC and site ELAC meetings.
• Provide training to parents regarding mathematics, literacy intervention programs and literacy
• Provide college information nights for parents such as Financial Aid and A-G college requirements.
• Utilize appropriate technology tools to create two-way communication to provide greater access for targeted subgroups. Ensure effective communication between the District and staff, parents and the community members through the District and school sites
Goal 4- Fiscal Responsibility: Responsibly manage and allocate financial resources to maximize students' educational experiences while closely monitoring the budget and enrollment, making timely adjustments to staffing, services, programs and budgets to maintain District solvency.
Facilities: Develop options, plans and agreements to provide adequate, safe and clean facilities on both a short-and long-term basis that appropriately and effectively houses the programmatic needs of our students.
• Maintain technology infrastructure to support 21st century teaching and learning
• Provide hotspots for low-income students who do not have home internet access
• Provide resources that transform classroom environments into settings conducive to collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking.
Goal 5- Student and Staff Safety and Wellness: School and District plans, educational programs and operational procedures will promote the health, academic and personal support and safety of our students and staff.
• Provide ongoing professional development and interventions while monitoring student needs as related to behaviors, attendance and character development.
• Provide assistance for school climate to support students
• Support Liaison work for SARB, Foster, homeless and at-risk students
• Additional support positions to support at-risk students
Goal 6- Leadership: An exemplary school district has strong leadership at all levels of the organization that is committed to providing a world-class educational experience for all students and is dedicated to improving student achievement, as well as promoting collaboration and creativity among students, staff, parents and the community.
• Provide Professional Development for staff to help facilitate quality service levels addressing the diverse needs of our student population.
• Provide professional development and growth opportunities for District leaders to engage in continuous improvement efforts.
• Provide professional development and growth opportunities for District leaders to engage in continuous improvement efforts.
RUSD 2017-18 Budget Presentation:
The presentation below will review the following:
- Local Control Funding Formula
- Unrestricted General Fund for 2017-18
- Restricted General Fund for 2017-18
- Multi Year Projections
- Major Assumptions
- STRS/PERS Annual Cost Increases
- Mutli-year Unrestricted General Fund
- Multi-year Restricted General Fund