RUSD Community Feedback Survey Launches and LCAP Community Meetings Held


The Rowland Unified School District (RUSD) has launched a Community Feedback Survey to give parents, employees, students, and community members a voice about their educational priorities in the development of the 2017–20 Local Control Accountability Plan, or LCAP.

The online survey is open March 6-31, 2017 and is available in multiple languages (Spanish, Chinese, and Korean) Hard copies are also available at the District Office (located at 1830 S. Nogales Street, Rowland Heights, CA 91748).

“We want to continue to gather input from our community as we develop our annual LCAP plan and budget that balances our resources, sets clear goals, and maintains our vision for innovative learning for all – for our students, employees and families,” said Rowland Unified School District Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Julie Mitchell.

In addition to the online survey, there are two LCAP Community Meetings held for parents and community members to participate in:

Monday, March 6 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Rowland High School in the Hideout (located at 2000 S. Otterbein Ave., Rowland Heights)

Thursday, March 21 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Nogales High School in the Multipurpose Room (located at 401 S. Nogales Street, La Puente).

The state’s LCAP requires all school districts to seek parent, community, District staff and student input, to set goals in eight priority areas that serve high-quality educational programs for all students, including identified subgroups of English Learners, Low Income and Foster Youth.  To learn more about the LCAP process for the Rowland Unified School District, please click HERE.

Stakeholders’ recommendations will be compiled in a report that will be provided to the Rowland Unified School District Board of Education. The governing Board will review the plan and receive public comments at the June 6, 2017 meeting. The adoption by the Board of the RUSD Local Control Accountability Plan for the 2017-18 school year is scheduled for the June 13, 2017 meeting.
