Senior Projects Wow The Judges

Senior projects wow the judges
By Richard Irwin, Staff Writer
Article Launched: 04/11/2008 02:51:04 PM PDT

Francesca Ramos, 18, talks about her senior project to a panel of judges at Rowland Unified School District. Ramos devised a guide to creating your own Web site. (Photos by Raul Roa / Staff) "Tinker, Tailor,

Soldier, Sailor,

Rich Man, Poor Man,

Beggarman, Thief,

Doctor, Lawyer,

Indian Chief..."

Tinker? What is a tinker?

OK, so the old nursery rhyme may need to be updated a little.

Let's add Web site developer, edible art chef, textile designer.

Those were some of the senior projects presented Friday, April 11, in the career certification program at Rowland Unified.

If you don't know your HTML from your JPEG, then you might want to hire Francesca Ramos from Nogales High School.

Click Here For Full Story!

Also pictured Rowland High School Senior Selina Yeh holding her artwork "Trice" - watercolor and black ink.