Safe Communities Week April 7-11, 2008 Activities at Rowland Unified School Sites
School | Contact Person | Planned Activities |
Blandford | Andrea McGlothlin (626)965-3410 | Distribute badges and have students color them. Put safety information on school marquee and send safety information home to families and at Open House. Show safety videos. Ongoing Too Good for Violence lessons. |
Farjardo | Dory Fisher (626)965-1537 | Pencils, stickers, and badges/bookmarks provided by the DATE Office will be distributed. Lessons from Too Good For Drugs and Violence will be reviews to remind students about safety. Teachers will discuss ways to be safe to and from school. Classrooms will review safety at home. Students will share how to keep the community safe. Students will create bookmarks. Students will be encouraged to attend the festival on March 31 |
Hollingworth | Yvonne Hoffman (909)598-3661 | Students will sign pledges, make bookmarks, and write essays, internet and bicycle safety lessons with West Covina P. D. Too Good for Violence lessons in class. |
Hurley | Arelene Cardenas/ Lonnie St. John (626)965-2429 | Share informational packets, door decorating, pledges, writing, songs from the Too Good For Violence curriculum, guest Speakers, radio show, safety videos, distribute bookmarks, pledges in English and Spanish, distribute incentives to stay safe. |
Jellick | Jennifer Byun (626)964-1275 | Poster contest, sign pledges, distributes safety CD to families. Poster contests will be judged and winners given prizes. |
Killian | Jolene Martin (626)964-6409 | Students will sign pledges. 2 students per grade level will make morning announcements on the PA system regarding safety as follows: Crosswalk Safety, Stranger Safety, Bicycle Safety, and Home Safety. Each class will design a poster about safety that will be displayed in their classrooms. |
La Seda | V. Koontz/ V. Chan (626)965-3496 | Pledges distributed. Banner in front of school. Door decorating contests. Too Good For Violence lessons. Safety videos and conflict resolution information. Bookmarks colored. |
Oswalt | Sharon Kelley (626)810-4109 | Activities to be announced |
Northam | Irma Torres (626)965-2404 | Prior to Safe Community Week, badge contest will be held for upper grades. Poster contest that depicts how to make community safe. Distribute Family Safety CD. Announce Safe Communities Festival. Activities: 4/7: Announcement about Safety on PA system, 4/8: Safety pledges recited. 4/9: Poster contest winners announced. One winner per grade level. 4/10: Writing activity about how to make the community safe. 4/11: Check out videos about various safety issues. |
Rorimer | Lynn Ricchio (626)965-2404 | On 4/7 Safe Family CD will be distributed. Assembly about stranger danger on 4/8. |
Rowland El. | Kathy Belluscio (626)964-3441 | Students will sign pledges. Teachers will present lessons about Too Good For Violence. Family Safety CD will be sent home. |
Shelyn | Claudine Williams (909)444-0584 | Lessons from Too Good For Violence and other resources will be presented. Badges will be given to students to wear during the week. Students will be involved in extra curricular activities to promote a safe environment. Parents and students will be encouraged to attend Festival. Safe Communities Week will be promoted on the school marquee. |
Villacorta | Maria Coronel (626)964-2385 | 3/21:No Bullying Kick-off Assembly. 4/7: Read and sign pledges, decorate classroom windows with pledges. Send home Safety CD. 4/8: Create class banner and decorate school halls. Distribute incentives. 4/9: Read story or watch video on safety. 4/10: Too Good for Violence lessons. 4/11: Write a note to family or friends to share ideas on how to make school community safe. |
Ybarra | Bob Eastwood (909)598-3744 | Distribute Safety CD and invite parents to Festival. 4/4: message to parents about week and festival. 4/5: Festival 4/7 – 11: Too Good for Violence Curriculum will be taught during the week. Rainbow badges will be colored. Pledges signed. Door decorating. Safety videos and songs available to teachers to use. Fantastikids Assembly: “Stay Safe” |
Yorbita | Jessica Cornejo (626)964-3486 | 4/7: Pledges will be discussed and signed. 4/7-4/11: Too Good for Violence lessons will be presented. Project Character Assembly. Essay contest themes: Upper grade: “ role models who have influenced me” Primary grades: “The importance of staying in school.” Winners announced on 4/11 |
Alvarado | Doreen Bottis (626)964-2358 | 4/7: Regular homeroom with a safety video. 4/8: Pledges sent home and returned on 4/9 and 4/10 for a prize. 4/11: Spirit day and activity at lunch. |
Giano | Rolf Scheffel (626)965-2461 | Students participate in PeeChee Folder contest in February. GREAT program presentations by WCPD. Week of 4/7: Displays of information on school marquee and in school bulletins. Pledges signed and Safe Family CD distributed. Students participate in Festival on 4/5. |
Rincon | Tracy Feller/Eleanor Aguilara (626)965-1696 | Pledges will be signed by all students. During guidance time, videos will be shown on handling conflict, safety, and preventing bullying. Announcements will be made over the PA system covering different safety topics each day. Community of Caring Club will provide a booth at the Safe Communities Festival. |
Rowland HS | Kelli Baumunk (626)965-3448 | Community of Caring Ambassadors will make posters and buttons to display around campus for the week. The class will also bring in newspaper articles for discussion as well as view videos from Michael Pritchard’s series. Positive messages will be placed in the bulletin and on the Raiser Report. |
| Jeremy Hart (626)965-3437 | Peace Talk Series will be used in Freshman Advisory. Senior students will talk to Freshmen and Sophomore students about making good choices. Students will sign pledges. |
Santana | Gail Poltorak (626)965-5971 | Prior to Safe Communities Week, staff will be given awareness information. Materials and videos distributed to teachers. Essays will be written and posters will be designed and these will all be hung in the hallways. Films will be available to view in the library. Safe Community Pledges will be signed. ASB activity to be announced. |
| Jim Fitzpatrick (626)935-8210 | Too Good for Violence lessons will be presented, along with Project Alert. Students will participate in a school assembly on peer pressure as it related to gang involvement and drug use; building self-esteem, refusal skills, and conflict resolution without violence. CHP officers will make a presentation on 4/7 about driving under the influence. Susan Feeney, laryngectomy speaker will present about tobacco hazards. Poster and writing contests will be held. Video will be presented on drug, Alcohol, Tobacco Education. Students will sign pledges. 3/31: Students will host a booth at the Safe Community Festival. |
RATA (Housed behind Villacorata Elementary) | Dorothy Burke (626)964-2385 | Too Good for Violence program will be presented. Poster Contest, Pledge signing, distribution of Family Safety CD, show Safety videos, hand print pledges and coloring the Rainbow Badges. Contests will be judges and awards given. |