Bringing the Civil War to Life for Students at Alvarado Intermediate

Civil War re-enactors visit history classes in Rowland Heights

Civil War re-enactors teach students about the pivotal period in American history at Alvarado Intermediate School in Rowland Heights on Friday, March 27, 2015.Watchara Phomicinda/San Gabriel Valley Tribune

ROWLAND HEIGHTS>>The Civil War took a new face and form Friday when history buffs brought the pivotal point in American history to life for students at Alvarado Middle School in Rowland Heights.

Dressed in their federal blues and confederate grays, the Civil War fans took eighth-graders back in time to the battle between the states. A terrible time when the Union threatened to dissolve, breaking into separate nations North and South.

Famous figures stepped off the history page to talk to the intrigued students. President Abraham Lincoln (Robert Broski of Corona) towered over Jefferson Davis (John Smoley of Glendora), the president of the Confederacy.

• PHOTOS: Civil War re-enactors bring history to life

The two tried to explain all the factors that led to the bloody war. They noted that 620,000 Americans lost their lives in the Civil War.

The eighth-graders are studying the war in American history classes. So their teachers decided to invite the Civil War buffs to the Rowland Unified campus.

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