Watch this Guns N’ Roses drummer jam with students at a La Puente school
By Richard Irwin, San Gabriel Valley Tribune
LA PUENTE>> Guns N’ Roses drummer Matt Sorum kept a steady beat as the band performed a rousing rendition of “Knocking on Heaven’s Door.” The famous rocker was jamming with students at Santana Alternative High School.
Sorum had just adopted the La Puente school as part of his Adopt the Arts program. He cofounded the nonprofit group in 2010 with Abby Berman to save the arts in public schools.
Since then the group has helped schools throughout Los Angeles. In 2012, Adopt the Arts donated 1,000 musical instruments, including drum sets, keyboards and guitars to elementary schools in Los Angeles Unified.
And they didn’t come to La Puente school empty handed on Feb. 19. Sorum and Berman brought four electric guitars, two acoustic guitars, two keyboards, amplifiers and microphones to the Rowland Unified school. Click HERE for videos and entire story!