Red Ribbon Week Festivities Across Rowland Unified (Oct. 22 - 26)

ROWLAND HEIGHTS, CA – OCTOBER 18, 2007 – Red Ribbon Week, celebrated nationally every year between October 23 and 31, will be held in Rowland Unified Monday, October 22 through Friday, October 26. The district theme this year is “We are the Future -- Be Drug Free!” Each school site has planned local events, some of which include speakers, assemblies, essay and poster contests, signing of pledges, and singing of drug prevention songs. Themed pencils and bracelets or ribbons will be distributed to all students. The peechee folders that feature the winners of last year’s Operation Safe Communities’ sponsored art competition will be given to children in grades 4-8.
 (Attached is summary of school activities across the District.)

            Red Ribbon Week is in memory of Kiki Camarena, a drug enforcement agent who gave his life in 1985 to the establishment of a Drug Free America.

            District music teacher Laura Tovar has written a new song, “We Are The Future,” which has been provided to the schools and will be sung by children during the week. Students and parents will be given pledges to sign a commitment to be drug free. Red Ribbon T-shirts will be available for order. A list of valuable websites about substance abuse that are designed for parents, students, and teachers will be distributed and featured on District’s website.
            The Family Resource Center will distribute pencils and drug/alcohol/violence prevention awareness information at the Buckboard Days community event on October 20.

            For more information on Red Ribbon Week festivities for Rowland Unified, please contact Nancy Ballantyne, Drug Alcohol Tobacco Education Coordinator at (626) 854-8359 or at [email protected].
