More than 100 red balloons filled the sky on Friday with student pledges to be “drug free” in celebration of Red Ribbon Week at Yorbita Elementary. Each year thousands of schools across the U.S. celebrate “Red Ribbon Week” October 23- 31 to promote drug abuse prevention in honor of DEA Special Agent “Kiki” Camarena. His death sparked a grass roots campaign to reduce the demand for drugs and encourage healthy, violence-free lifestyles. Yorbita Elementary was honored to have the wife of “Kiki” Camarena, “Mika” Camarena, who is president of the Camarena Foundation lead the balloon release today. Holding her red balloon, she read to the students her pledge:
“My commitment is to continue my work with Red Ribbon until my last breath.”
Students cheered as they released their balloons. “I want to thank our Red Ribbon Week Lead Teacher Kindergarten Teacher Kris Mendoza and our wonderful PTA who made this such a beautiful celebration,” said Cadena. “I also want to say a very special thank you to RUSD School Police Chief Don Fernald who made possible bringing Mika Camarena to our school and into our hearts.”