Letter from San Gabriel Valley Tribune - Get the Details Right in Reporting on Raise

This letter was printed in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune

Get the details right in reporting on raise

Your paper has printed two articles recently regarding the Rowland Unified School District and the current superintendent’s pending contract renewal. The most recent article was printed Feb. 11.

Both articles stated that the Rowland Unified School District was in the process of negotiating salaries with the Rowland Teachers’ Association. Both articles also stated that the Rosemead School District has recently settled with the teachers for a 6.4 percent salary increase.

This letter is to clarify that the Rosemead School District and the Rosemead Teachers’ Association did agree on a salary settlement of a 4.7 percent ongoing salary increase plus a one-time 1.6 percent salary increase that consists of three professional development (training) days for teachers added on to the 2013-14 work year. The total for 2013-14 is a 6.3 percent increase but 1.6 percent of this will no longer be on the salary schedule after June 30, 2014.

Other employees (classified and management) agreed to a 4.7 percent increase and they don’t get the additional professional development days. This is the first salary increase for all employees in six years.

My point is that things are not always as they seem nor as reported. If the San Gabriel Valley Tribune had taken the time to verify its facts, your articles could have provided clarity rather than create more confusion for our community.

Just as important as transparency in public employment (as stated in your editorial of Feb. 11) is the need for accuracy. Our community relies on our newspapers for accuracy. Please feel free to contact school districts directly to verify your information.

— Armida Carreon, Rosemead Unified School District
