Nogales High School Noble Regiment Band State Champs!

Nogales High School Noble Regiment Band State Champs: Congratulations to the Nogales High School Regiment who competed at the Western Band Association State Championships in Fresno over the weekend and scored first place out of 17 bands and are now the 3A WBA State Champs! Band Director Brad Pollock wrote, “They had the show of a lifetime with all the passion and emotion that it takes to pull off winning the state championships. We were also complimented all weekend at the hotel, by other bands, and strangers, on how well behaved, professional, disciplined, and courteous our kids from Nogales were. It proves that consistency, lots of discipline, and love go a long way to accomplishing ones goals.

            “To hear during the awards the countdown from 17th place down to 1st and announcing that Nogales kept winning all of the individual captions to take the gold on Sat was a memory that will last a lifetime. Hearing Nogales High School Noble Regiment 1st place announced in that stadium in front of tons of people brought tears to my eyes, alumni, and the parents that showed to support the ‘Little Band that Could.’  Our kids from Nogales are so amazing and I can't thank the teachers at NHS enough and Athletics for letting us do what we have to do in order to be successful. We were all in this together. We also had a few 8th graders from Telesis and Giano and I can honestly say that there are no 8th graders in the country playing the music we did and marching at the highest level anywhere. They were all simply amazing.” – Band Director, Brad Pollock.

Congratulations also to Rowland High School Raider Regiment, under the direction of Jason Alvo, who placed 4th place (out of 12 bands) in the SCSBOA Field Show Championships this past weekend. The scores of the top 4 bands were very close – Rowland was .4 away from 3rd place and .9 away from 2nd place! The Drumline also took 1st Place and Sweepstakes, Color Guard 2nd Place and the Band 4th Place at the BOA Arcadia Band Review and Field Show on 11/16/13.

We are very proud of our talented students and amazing educators in Rowland USD!
