Board Members Dr. Gilbert Garcia and Robert Hidalgo Honored

Board Members Dr. Gilbert García and Robert Hidalgo Honored: A reception was held prior to Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting to honor Dr. Gilbert García for his 12 years of service and Robert Hidalgo for his eight years of service on the RUSD Board. Dr. Garcia looks forward to spending more time with his family and being truly retired, while Mr. Hidalgo was elected to serve as a trustee on the Mt. San Antonio College Board. Each were presented certificates from Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe’s Office, Assemblyman Curt Hagman’s Office and the City of Walnut. The Rowland Adult & Community Education and the District presented special plaques and the Board presented special gifts.

Newly elected Board Members Lynne Ebenkamp and Angelena Pride will take office at the December 10, 2013 Board of Education Meeting.
