Thank You To Our Bus Drivers! Today is California School Bus Driver's Day

The safety of our children rests in the hands of trained School Bus Drivers for up to eight hours each school day. April 23 is recognized annually as California School Bus Driver's Day. The people and parents of California recognize all School Bus Drivers for their continued and excellent services to the youth of the State, and these drivers are deserving of special public recognition.

Thank you to the transportation team at Rowland Unified School District for their service to our children!

*Pictured is Helen Wimberly, who has been a bus driver at Rowland Unified School District for 31 years! Also pictured is Transportation team members (left to right) Teresa Rios, Reginald Robertson, Lenitha Griffin, Shanisha Courtney and Irma Chavez (standing) with Superintendent Ruben Frutos and Board President Cary Chen from today's celebration in honor of California School Bus Driver's Day.