Education revolution begins at Telesis Academy in Rowland Unified
Telesis is the Greek concept of planning intelligently for a grand goal. It's a process of education, planning and action to fulfill a noble enterprise.
Rowland Unified is trying just that with its new Telesis Academy for Science and Math. It wants to revolutionize public education as we know it.
Construction crews are scrambling to renovate Rincon Intermediate into the new academy. Workmen were busy Thursday laying concrete sidewalks when we visited the new academy in West Covina.
Nancy Hamper, the enthusiastic learning director, waited in the parking lot to give a tour of the new school and explain its innovative education strategies.
Contractors gutted the classrooms before adding insulated walls to insure a quiet, comfortable environment. Pinable walls will allow teachers to display all the students' projects.
Storage units across the front of the classroom give instructors ample room for books and other material. A large, ceiling-mounted projector and screen bring the classroom into the digital age.
"We'll also have three science labs for students to use. The largest was converted from the old wood shop," Hamper noted.
But the newly renovated classrooms will only set the stage for a revolutionary education inside.
"It's been a lot of hard work," agreed Principal Miriam Kim. "We don't have a blueprint, but everyone is excited to have this opportunity."
Kim had been the principal ofHollingworth Elementary just down the street. Under her tenure there, Hollingworth joined the national No Excuses University program.
"It focuses on college readiness beginning in kindergarten," Kim explained. "Classrooms adopt different colleges and display the college banners." Click HERE for entire story!