Santana Senior Spotlights

        Congratulations to the class of 2011. These are the Santana spotlight students.

       1.  Andrea Pope

School Attending: Mt. Sac

Favorite Memory: “Graduating and being president of ASB, it was something I didn’t think I would be able to do.”

Favorite Teachers: Mr. Daniels—ASB/English, Mr. Longino – History, Ms. Elcheriff – Belly Dance/RSP, Mr. Smith – APEX/Read 180

Future Plans: “I plan on going to college and being a pediatrician and   dealing with reality. I would like to go to USC for medical school.”      

2. Juan Garcia

School Attending: Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School

Favorite Memory: “Graduating in six months with 105 credits.”

Favorite Teachers: Ms. Pacheco – English/Health, Mr. Daniels – ASB Director

Future Plans: “I aspire to be a chef and owning my own restaurant.”

          3. Lissette Pelayo

Favorite Memory: “graduating from high school and knowing that I can work hard.”

Favorite Teachers: Ms. Harris -- Counselor

Future Plans: Joining Army or Air Force

Goal: “I would like to learn more about photography and writing.”

        4. Justin Valdez

School Attending: Mt. Sac or Marines

Favorite Memory: Graduating

Favorite Teachers: Mr. Smith – APEX/Read 180

Future Plans: “I hope to someday own a skate shop.”

