Million word Readers are Recognized at Alvarado

Students in Read 180, an intensive reading program for those not yet proficient in Reading/LanguageArts, were recognized at their 7th grade assembly. The students were recognized at the Seventh Grade Forum at Alvarado on Wednesday, June 8, for their outstanding effort, and received beautiful parchment certificates from Senator Bob Huff and Congressman Curt Hagman. Though the award is exciting, the hard work has paid off in a more important way. Four of these students were not at grade level in reading when they took on the challenge—and now every one of them is at least a grade-level reader—two are reading at the high school level. Students included Cambria Waters who read 2,031,315 words, Vanessa Sheen read 1.9 million words, R. J. Cordova read 1.2 million words, Eder Agredano, Jazzmin Tan, and Eric Williams each read nearly 1.1 million words. Reading Counts at Alvarado!