August 5, 2022
Dear Rowland Unified Families:
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! We can’t wait to open our doors on Monday, August 8 and greet our students and families. We are looking forward to an exciting year of connection, innovative learning, and joy!
While we have all been navigating the pandemic for some time, we know that we must continue to be vigilant. The health and safety of our staff, students and families remains our top priority. Rowland Unified is extremely proud of the additional safety protocols and resources we continue to have in place, providing for safe learning spaces in our schools. We continue to work closely with the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) and adhere to the health guidelines by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH).
Our additional safety precautions implemented that few districts in the State have done, include: thermal scanners to screen temperatures of students and staff upon entry, touchless water bottle filling stations, increased handwashing stations, upgraded HVAC filters, additional HEPA filters in all classrooms, frequent cleaning, Clorox 360 medical-grade systems to disinfect classrooms, increased ventilation, outdoor eating and learning spaces,and optional use of desk shields.
To keep everyone safe and healthy, we ask that if your child is feeling ill or has been exposed to someone who is positive for COVID, please keep them home. If families have additional questions or need further guidance, they can contact our COVID Response Team at [email protected].
Isolation Requirements for Students/Staff Testing Positive: Everyone who tests positive, regardless of vaccination status, previous infection or lack of symptoms, are asked to:
- Isolate for five (5) days
- Take an antigen (Rapid) test on or after day five (5) of isolation
- If the test is negative, symptoms are resolving and there is no fever, student/staff may return to work/school on day five (5) or after testing negative.
- If the test on day five (5) is positive, or choosing not to test, isolation can end after a negative test or after day 10 if symptoms are resolving and no fever is present without medication for 24 hours.
Close Contacts: At the recommendation of LACDPH, a close contact is someone who has shared indoor airspace for 15 minutes or more in a 24 hour period with someone who has tested positive. Therefore, as we return to school, you will be notified if your child has shared indoor airspace for 15 minutes or longer with an individual who has tested positive. If this does occur, it is recommended that your child wear a mask for 10 days and test for COVID on day 3-5 after the exposure. At home rapid test kits will be available at the schools, pending availability of supply.
COVID Testing and Vaccines, including Boosters: Through our health partner COVID Clinic, RUSD families and staff can pre-register online to receive free COVID Testing Monday – Friday from 11:30 AM – 6 PM at the District Office. *NEW: COVID Clinic is offering vaccines and boosters every Friday for children ages 5-12, as well as vaccines for children under 5. The Vaccine Clinic is offered every Friday by appointment only from 11:30 AM – 6 PM at the District Office. Further information can be found at
Free Breakfast & Lunch: Our Nutrition Services team is proud to provide free breakfast and lunch for ALL students every day with no meal application required. Our fantastic kitchen staff provide tasty, balanced meals with a diverse menu offering daily. For further information call Nutrition Services at (626)854-8312 or visit
Aeries Homelink Registration: To keep you informed on your student’s academic progress, your student’s information can be accessed on the Aeries HomeLink school database. Every parent/guardian must use this account to update all existing emergency student contact information. You can also access your student’s class schedule, grades, unofficial transcripts, and graduation requirements. Please update your information by visiting or contact your school office for more information.
Communication by ParentSquare: In RUSD, we stay connected with our families using ParentSquare. Your school principal, teachers and staff send important school and teacher communication all in one place and it will be automatically sent to your computer or phone via email and/or text. We suggest you also download the ParentSquare App so you can access messages on your phone. More information can be found at
As we eagerly await starting school on Monday, I remind you to please drive carefully throughout our community and especially near our schools. We will have increased pedestrian traffic and car traffic. Please plan additional time when taking children to school and/or getting to work.
We are excited to be together, safely, and appreciate your support and partnership for a successful school year. #We Are RUSD!
With Gratitude,
Julie Mitchell, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools