Preliminary survey data showing parents favor math and science academy for Rowland Unified's redesigned campus
WEST COVINA - Surveys so far show that parents favor a math and science-focused curriculum for Rowland Unified's newest K-8 school.
Administrators this week held two parent meetings to gather feedback on the direction of the redesign of Rincon Intermediate School. Nearly 70 percent of phone survey respondents prefer a math and science academy, while 30 percent chose an arts academy, or had no preference, according to Rowland Unified spokeswoman Gina Ward. Additional surveys in Chinese and Korean were expected to go out Friday, she said.
"This means that parents would have choices as to what would best serve their child's interests," said Miriam Kim, principal of Hollingworth Elementary School and head of the Rincon redesign task force. "This is helping students to make their own choice in learning. It just opens a lot of options."
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