STC Management Teams with Rowland Unified to Raise Funds and Books for Schools
Press Conference Friday, Oct. 15 at 11 to Discuss Various Events Such as Book Drive and Halloween Party
Date: Friday, Oct 15, 2010
Time: 11 AM
Location: Seasons Place
STC Center, 1st Floor
18558 E. Gale Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91748
Contact Person: Amy Li (562) 695-1513 x117
Starting October, STC Management and STC Center at Seasons Place, working with Rowland Council PTA and the Rowland Unified School District, will host a series of activities in hopes to raise funds for the Rowland Heights school programs.
Book Drive: STC Management has volunteered to work with Blandford Elementary School to set up multiple locations as drop off points. In order to amplify access to this activity, three well trafficked plazas in Rowland Heights will be used as drop points. These locations are:
Yes Plaza -1715-1747 Fullerton Road. (Inside of ACI Academy)
Rowland Heights Plaza -18700 Colima Road. (Inside of Hamni Bank)
Seasons Place -18558 E. Gale Ave. (Between JJ Cafe and Kingstone Book Store)
Blandford Elementary School - 2601 S. Blandford Drive, Rowland Heights (626)965-3410
Crates will be set up at each location to receive books until December 10, 2010. All books will go to sponsoring the new library at Blandford Elementary School.
Press Conference Attendees: Principle of Blandford Elementary, Mercedes Lovie; Blandford PTA President, Dr. A. Kimo Morris; and STC Management Officer, John Hsu, will come to talk briefly about these events and the purposes behind them.
Halloween Costume Party October 30: Working with the Rowland Council PTA, on October 30, 2010 from 6PM to 10PM, a Halloween Costume Party will be hosted at the STC Center. The party is free to enter. There will be a professional DJ, costume contest and gifts for everyone. The party is great for families and all ages. All proceeds from the party will be forwarded to help the Rowland Unified School District.
November Art Sale: Last but not least, Alan Leon, an award winning artist, who has been a dedicated teacher to bring art and culture to children, will sponsor an art sale at the STC Center, starting November 8 to November 25. All works are created by student artists or the artist himself. Mr. Leon will donate all proceeds from the sale to the Rowland Unified School District at the end of the show.
STC Management is an Asset Management group, who has been serving the community for 25 years. They are committed to "Improving our communities, one property at a time." “It's our honor and a privilege to be able to work with our schools, in working towards making our schools and neighborhood better. We believe that collaborations between the business sector and our schools are vital in bettering our chances at giving our children a brighter future,” said Hsu.
為了回饋社區和迎接萬聖節, 位於工業市的四季廣場, 將聯合STC 資產管理公司,STC 東區第 一會館和羅蘭家長委員會, 於十月開始舉行一連串的活動.
首先是舊書收集活動. 民眾可將家裡從幼稚園至小學六年級不再看的舊書捐到STC 資產管理公司 管理下的三大商場: Yes Plaza內的南加州學院, 羅蘭廣場內的Hanmi Bank, 及四季廣場的金石堂書店. 所得舊書收入將全數捐給羅蘭崗Blandford 小學新蓋的圖書館. 此項活動將從十月中開始到年底.
此外, 結合羅蘭家長委員會, 四季廣場, STC資產管理公司及STC東區第一會館, 將於十月三十日晚上六點到十點, 在四季廣場一樓舉辦萬聖節化裝舞會.免費入場,有專業DJ並現場舉辦化妝比賽. 歡迎大朋友及小朋友盛裝出席. 不但可領到一份精美禮物並有機會抽大獎!羅蘭家長委員會也歡迎大家在當天捐款給聯合羅蘭家長會,金額不拘,共同來幫助羅蘭崗學區!
曾榮獲美國NSF雜誌廣告設計獎, 洛杉磯教育局認證講師及大自然美術教室負責人, 梁綸武老師, 也會在四季廣場一樓舉行繪畫義賣活動.所有繪畫是由梁老師學生或梁老師本人所提供的. 義賣所得也將全數捐出給羅蘭學區作為教育之需.
Blandford 小學的校長, Mercedes Lovie, 羅蘭家長委員會, Dr. Kimo Morris, 羅蘭聯合學區代表, Gina Ward, 都將會出席為此舉辦的記者會, 希望大家一起來參與這些有意義又有趣的活動.詳細情形可洽STC資產管理公司Amy 李小姐562-695-1513分機117.