Rancho De La Hoya Charo Team of Rosemead demonstrates his roping skills during a past Buckboard Days Parade in Rowland Heights.

The buckboard is back on the road thanks to the Rowland Heights Chinese Association. The Buckboard Days Parade will be held on Saturday, Sept. 18.

Last year's Buckboard Days Parade was canceled after long-time organizer Don Deleagal couldn't get enough help. So this year, the local Chinese association volunteered to help with the popular parade.

"My wife and I are planning to move away, so I agreed to show the association how to run the parade," Deleagal said.

After working on the Rowland parade for many years, he's happy that someone will continue this annual event.

"I'm really excited the parade is coming back. It's a tradition that's been going on for almost 40 years," Deleagal explained. "It's one of the few annual events when Rowland Heights residents can get together."

This year's theme is "A Better Community, A Better Life - Through Volunteering." So the parade committee picked three of the seniors who volunteer with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department as the grand marshals.

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