Rowland Unified Students and Adult Education Students Raise Funds for Haiti

Rowland Schools and Adult Education Classes Raise Funds for Haiti
Schools across the Rowland Unified School District, in addiiton to classes at the Rowland Adult and Continuing Education have raised funds for Haiti. They include:
  • Blandford Elementary students raised $2,500 dollars for Haiti!
  • Jellick Elementary students raised $668.46 for the American Red Cross - Haiti Relief Fund.
  • ESL and Citizenship morning class students at Rowland Adult and Continuing Education raised $650 by making posterboard signs about Haiti with newspaper articles and sharing with each classroom. Pictured: Teacher Ms. Cindy Clark and students - Frank Tai and Seiichi Doizak holding signs.
  • Rowland High School National Honor Society Students create "Heroes for Haiti."  Click to view feature article in Highlander.