FOR US Foundation Grant Applications
Now Available to Rowland Unified Schools
ROWLAND HEIGHTS--The Friends of Rowland Unified Schools (FOR US) Foundation is now accepting application forms for Classroom Grants within the
FOR US is a non-profit organization that gives thousands of dollars in grants every year to Rowland Unified Schools.
The applications must be submitted by
Information about the Classroom Grant process and the application form are available online at, using the FOR US Foundation link. To avoid incompleteness disqualification, please note the changes in the application process.
FOR US funds grants that help children explore their world through biology, chemistry, history, technology, physical education, and the arts. At a time when schools are in crisis, these grants allow teachers to give students fun, innovative educational opportunities that school budgets cannot afford.
The Foundation awards these Grants to worthwhile programs that encourage children to love learning, stay in school, become well educated, and ultimately become successful adults.
For more information about the FOR US Foundation, contact Danielle Amaya-Martinez at (626) 935-8432.