Message from Superintendent Dr. Maria Ott:
"The Board unanimously approved the iQ Academy Charter during the Board Meeting on July 21. This Charter is a public school serving students in the greater Los Angeles area and contiguous counties. Although iQ Academy is an independent charter school, we will work closely with their team to learn from the unique and rigorous on-line programs offered to the youth that they will enroll. We look forward to welcoming the principal of iQ Academy to our District Leadership Team.
I compliment our Board of Education for their hard work in reviewing all aspects of the charter petition and working to ensure that the agreement was mutually beneficial. There were numerous meetings and demonstrations to ensure transparency.
Charter schools are part of the public education environment in California and in the nation. Because charter schools operate without many of the constraints that traditional public schools face, they provide an opportunity for innovation and learning. I look forward to effective two-way communication that will enhance our educational programs. The agreement with iQ Academy provides benefits to our students through credit recovery courses and access to AP courses. Dr. Ericson will meet with high school principals to discuss steps to maximize these resources.
When we adopted our strategic plan and started work on realizing our mission, we did not anticipate help from the charter community. The addition of iQ Academy to the Rowland Team advances our efforts to become "....the progressive international community united in learning" and "....through a system distinguished by "rigorous academics, innovative use of technology, creative exploration, and nurturing learning experiences."
Please join me in welcoming iQ Academy to Rowland Unified."