LA County Committee Virtual Public Hearing on School District Organization to Establish New Trustee Area Voting in RUSD

- What
- LA County Committee Virtual Public Hearing on School District Organization to Establish New Trustee Area Voting in RUSD
- When
- 5/6/2020, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
- Where
- Virtual Meeting
Pursuant to Education Code §5019(c), the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization will be conducting a public hearing on a proposal to establish trustee areas and trustee area voting within the Rowland Unified School District (USD).
This hearing shall be held virtually, due to the current COVID-19 public health crisis. To access the meeting electronically, and to provide public comment, please go to the County Committee website for connection information:
This hearing shall be held virtually, due to the current COVID-19 public health crisis. To access the meeting electronically, and to provide public comment, please go to the County Committee website for connection information:
DATE: Wednesday, May 6, 2020
TIME: 9:30 a.m.
TIME: 9:30 a.m.
The teleconference number to listen to the proceedings shall be posted on the County Committee’s website 72 hours prior to the meeting at County Committee Public Hearing Teleconference
NOTE: Public comment may be emailed to the County Committee up until 5:00 p.m. on the day prior to the hearing. Any comments received shall be acknowledged at the meeting and shall become part of the administrative record. Comments may be emailed to the County Committee Secretary,
Mr. Octavio Castelo at [email protected]. Language translation services of the virtual hearing may be provided with a minimum notice of three business days prior to the public hearing.
Posting or distribution of banners, leaflets, handouts, or other media or
communications, which serve to promote or discourage specific points of
view, are prohibited from the County Committee’s website.
Mr. Octavio Castelo at [email protected]. Language translation services of the virtual hearing may be provided with a minimum notice of three business days prior to the public hearing.
Posting or distribution of banners, leaflets, handouts, or other media or
communications, which serve to promote or discourage specific points of
view, are prohibited from the County Committee’s website.
For additional information or to request translation service, call
(562) 922-6110.
(562) 922-6110.
- 05-06-20 Rowland USD PH Notice KOREAN.pdf 337.26 KB
- 05-06-20 Rowland USD PH Notice-CHINESE.pdf 218.69 KB
- 05-06-20 Rowland USD PH Notice.pdf 177.76 KB
- 05-06-20 Rowland USD PH Notice_SPANISH.pdf 89.81 KB
- CVRA LA County Public Hearing Agenda for 5-6-2020.pdf 106.64 KB