Free Food Distribution for RUSD Families in Need

- What
- Free Food Distribution for RUSD Families in Need
- When
- 12/10/2018, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
- Where
- VIllacorta Elementary School 17840 E. Villa Corta St. La Puente CVA 91744
The Rowland Unified Family Resource Center is excited to partner with the L.A. Food Bank and the Tzu Chi Foundation to provide a free Mobile Food Pantry for our families in need across the District.
Every month we give away fresh produce and food to all community members who meet the income guidelines.
The Mobile Food Pantry will take place on Monday, December 10 from 12 to 1:30 p.m. at Villacorta Elementary School, located at 17840 E. Villacorta Street in La Puente. Please bring your own shopping bags or cart. Food will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.
The next Mobile Food Distribution will be on Monday, January 14 at Villacorta.
For more information, please call our Family Resource Center at (626)854-2228.
- Nov-Dec-Jan Flyer_Mobile Food Pantry.pdf 339.76 KB