Villacorta Elementary International Day & Open House
- What
- Villacorta Elementary International Day & Open House
- When
- 5/19/2015, 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM
- Where
- Villacorta Elementary
Villacorta has planned an entire day of International-themed events for students and in the evening, parents and the community in conjunction with Open House!
- During the day, student assemblies
Evening Events/Activities
4:30-5:15 Performances (outside stage)
4:30-6:00 PTA Food Sales
5:15 PTA Meeting
5:20 Teacher Introductions
5:30-7 Cafeteria open for grade level expo (display of country/culture that K-6 grades studied )
5:30-7 Classrooms/grades volunteer for some type of short performance (outside stage)
6-7 Classrooms open