Van Windham's Retirement Party
- What
- Van Windham's Retirement Party
- When
- 5/13/2011, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
- Where
- Villa Tepeyac 2200 E Garvey Ave South West Covina Phone (626) 339-5058
Friday, May 13, 2011
From 4 p.m−8 p.m.
Buffet: Steak Picado, Chicken Picado, Rice, Beans, Chips/Salsa,
Raspberry Ice Tea, Coffee, Flour Tortillas, dessert: cake
$25.00 per person
Please RSVP by April 12, 2011 to Irma Bagnera - CHECKS PAYABLE TO HSS Fun Club
Includes donation
Toward gift