Rowland Heights Census Community Walk - Volunteers Needed!
- What
- Rowland Heights Census Community Walk - Volunteers Needed!
- When
- 3/20/2010, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
- Where
- Carolyn Rosas Park 18500 Farjardo Street Rowland Heights CALL (626)255-2658
Volunteers Needed for this Community Walk to remind our community to fill out their Census forms! It's important! Easiest way for our schools and community services to receive funds.
*With every form not signed, estimated loss of $1,400 to Rowland Heights!
Volunteers receive free lunch & T-Shirt!
9-10 AM - Volunteer Training at Carolyn Rosas Park (18500 Farjardo Street, Rowland Heights)
10 AM - 1 PM Community Walk and Lunch!
With further questions, please call (626) 255-2658 or email [email protected]
- CensusCommunityWalkFlier3-20-10.pdf 186.56 KB