Nogales High Testing Reward Carnival for Students
- What
- Nogales High Testing Reward Carnival for Students
- When
- 5/9/2008, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
- Where
- Nogales High School
To reward students who did well during state testing (who were on time and present every day of testing) Nogales will throw a Carnival. Students will receitive a free BBQ lunch and frozen dessert with the following games and activities:
- MTV Music Star Appearance by Malverde (Chicano rap star)
- Carnival game booths, football toss, softball in the milk can throw,
- Bounce House, obstacle course and water basketball, water wars
- DUNK the teachers (Nogales teachers in a dunk tank - $1 to throw 2 balls and the proceeds go the teacher's favorite campus club)
- Elephant Rides Thanks to Principal Dr. Nancy Padilla
- Special 70-ft trailer "The Simulator Teen Drive Education" - state-of the-art driving simulator software in a mobile trailer with 14 Dell Computers for students to practice driving safely. **Note: That night families invited to special "Hour with the Experts" seminar to answer questions for students and parents alike on driver safety. 6 p.m. in the Nogales High School Manor. See Flier Below!